"S.H.E. is Healing"


“S.H.E. is Healing” with Grandmother's Love

2024, a four-year community art project resulting in an art exhibit of 13 spirit portraits. All nations of women working to heal, themselves, their families, and their communities, through the pandemic and infinity.


The project sought to create a community of compassion acknowledging everyone’s ability to heal from past trauma. Suellen was inspired by the earth’s ability to heal during the pandemic. Many of these women turned to earthly wisdom during the pandemic to calm their fears, including the artist.


The art project was part of Suellen’s healing. She turned to First Nation friends to learn from their ability to heal with respect and admiration. Suellen was invited on a two-year healing journey during the pandemic around the medicine wheel with Grandmothers and Elders.


“S.H.E. is Healing” community spirit portrait art project entailed active listening to questions asked to create a visual representation of spirit. Encouraging the women to tell their stories. The subjects displayed enthusiasm to share their spiritual side. The artist doesn’t speak for these women but listens carefully to their offerings shared. These trusted offerings were the seeds that grew each portrait. In appreciation for the women’s participation in S.H.E. is healing the paintings will be gifted to them after the exhibit is finished touring 2024/2025.


“S.H.E. is healing” portraits are colorful acrylics on canvas framed in cedar. Suellen’s artwork since 2009 is pursuing the elusive connection between the energy of Spirit, Humanity, and Earth. Suellen a grandmother since 2016 has been motivated to generate a community of compassion using art for the future of her grandchildren and the future of all children.



