
"S.H.E. is Healing"

Exhibit Schedule 2024-2025

1.Lambton Heritage Museum- Grand Bend, ON, February 1-24, 2024

Opening-Feb 1, drumming & storytelling 

1st Workshop- Feb 10, Intuitive Energy Painting

2nd Workshop- Feb 15, women healing with the drum

3rd Workshop- Feb 10, Intuitive Energy Painting

4th Children's Art Class

2.N.R.R.C.- Nippising Regional Curatorial Collective-

North Bay, March 15-May 1,2024

3.Sho, Art, Spirit & Performance, Windsor,ON, May 13-June,1, 2024

4.Amor Cafe, Blaze of Story, Windsor, ON June 11,2024

5.Leamington Arts Centre- Leamington,ON, June 7- July 26, 2024

  Healing with the drum July 20, 1-4pm

6.Tri Sisters-St Jacobs- September 7-October 7, 2024

1st Event- Saturday September 14-3-5pm Meet the Artist

2nd Workshop- Intuitive Energy Painting- Sunday Sept 15, 1-5pm

3rd Workshop-Intuitive Energy Painting- Saturday Oct 5, 1-5pm

4th Closing Drum Circle/Booksigning Sunday October 6, 1-5pm

7.Homer Watson House & Gallery, Kitchener, ON, Feb 4- March 30, 2025

Meet the Artist/Book signing Sunday March 30 1-230pm

My Inspiring First Nation Friends

Here is more about what Suellen has to say about her inspiration and where it has come from.

My friends have been a huge influence in my life. I always had amazing laughs, adventures, and growth from interesting deep spiritual conversations with my friends. Also I am so grateful for all the wisdom that has been generously shared from wise women, Elders and Grandmothers.

Since March 2020, I was given precious teachings using zoom from Grandmothers/Elders about forgiveness, gratitude, teachings from nature and the beauty of the Ojibway woman's ways. 

I have been gifted with beautiful sharing in circle programs lead by the wisdom of Elders/Grandmothers. I am so grateful for the opportunities to listen to the wisdom shared in these circles of woman.  Also, I am grateful for generous teachings from the wisdom of Grandmothers through a program created by Urban Ndn Connection. This program includes ask an Ask an Elder to share wisdom of Elders I feel so blessed and grateful for all the shared wisdom of these strong wise women all these wonderful Grandmothers who have shared, humbly with humility and love.This gratitude for wise women influences in my life include my own Grandmothers and ancestors.

Check more about programs and services through:

Facebook: Urban Ndn Connection,

Urban Ndn Detroit 

I have been deeply inspired and influenced so much by the creativity and open hearts of my dear friends :

Ben, Red George, and Mark Jacobson 

I meet Ben as a teen and he opened my heart to so much about First Nation people in Canada. He was like a brother. He also showed me the power of laughter to heal. He inspired me to learn more about First Nation people and the spirit in All things.

Ben introduce me to Susan,we became heartfelt friends. After hours of time together, Susan and I realized we both wanted to build something to bring together our comunites with love and compassion. This bridge was for the future of all our grandchildren.We asked Creator to give us direction. Seven years after meeting we came up with the idea to create, bridges across divides with a community art project called Me,You & Us.   

Forever grateful for you My Brother Ben R.I.P.


Jeffery Red George 

In 2016, I meet Red when he was pumping gas at the local station. He started the conversation as he often does and makes all who know him feel at home quickly. I invited him to the Intuitive Painting workshop at the Elder's Lodge in Kettle Point First Nations.

Red came to the three-day workshop. Red brings a wonderful energy with him where ever he goes. I am truly inspired by Red he has had more trauma in his life than most of the street kids I worked with at Covenant House Toronto. He is very open about his past and has shared it in public to release its power our him. His openness and willingness to share is so deeply inspiring.

However the most inspiring to me is his kindness to All. Also I am inspired by his huge sense of humor, love of music, phenomenal artwork, his dedication to healing using his creativity. Further, I am inspired by his familiar connection to nature and his spiritual & cultural practises.

Red no longer works at the gas station. He is a huge success and supports himself now with his art. Red's art connects to his amazing creative abilities, his love of his culture and a beautiful optimistic outlook. You can see his beautiful artwork for yourself on his website.

We are lifelong good friends, and I am so happy to know him.

check out his website and his wonderful inspiring art...

Facebook: Red Dog Art Studio

Mark Anthony Jacobson

I meet Mark in Toronto,when I was a youth worker at Covenant House. He was living on the streets and had many demons still to slay. I saw a spark in him, my heart wished him well. For my birthday I told my husband I would like to buy a painting from him. My husband managed to scrape together enough to purchase a painting and secretly met Mark and surprized me with one of his paintings. Having this painting in my home kept Mark and his well being close to my heart.It was the first painting I ever recieved and a lifelong cherished gift.

Well 30 years later I found Mark on Facebook. He is a wonderful successful artist, he has published books,and sells his remarkable culturally and heart inspired artwork all around the world. Mark has an amazing son. He lives in a beautiful area in B.C. I message him once in awhile, he looks happy and I am so happy for him.Please check out his art on his website or Facebook.

Facebook: Mark Anthony Jacobson


Forever grateful for good people in my life ,who have opened my heart and mind.